American Foxhound (Definite Introduction)
The ideal body weight of American Foxhound male dogs should be 30-34kg, and the ideal body weight of female dogs should be 30-34kg. The ideal male American Foxhound should be 22-25 inches tall at the withers, and the ideal female dog should be 21-24 inches tall at the withers. Use this category as a reference, anything that does not fall within this category is considered a defect.
The skull is of moderate length, the occiput is slightly arched, the skull is wide and the ears are full. Ears: Excessively short and long, if pulled forward, they can almost reach the tip of the nose (in fact, they cannot reach the tip of the nose); fine quality, wide, and almost impossible to stand erect. The seat is close to the head, with the front edge slightly curved toward the cheek. The tips of the ears are rounded. Eyes: Eyes are large, set relatively open, with gentle eyes, like those of a hound, fashionable and pleading; brown or hazel color. Tone: Clear length, straight, and square with moderate stop. The forelegs are straight and of good bone. Pasterns short and straight. The feet are like foxes. The pads are plump and crispy. Arched toes. Strong toenails.
Hips and thighs are thick and muscular and can produce huge propulsion. Stifle joints are thick and set low. Hocks strong, even and not excessively sloping. The claws are tight and strong. Tail set too high; carried happily but not over the back; slightly curved; very slightly brush-like. Disadvantages: Long tail, teapot curve or leaning forward from the root. Rat tail, completely lacking hair. A hunting dog with a close, brittle coat of medium length.
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